Here Comes The New Semester...

After a quite long time sitting at home, finally I have to answer the call of the new semester in Shah Alam. But, before coming back, I must be ready with all sort of things especially my car since it was just finished the paint job. So after all the servicing and modifying things stuff, on 2nd July I drove back here with my friend which apparently he will become my super junior even though we used to be in the same class when we were in school, but since he took the 'maktab' TESL program, so he will become my junior in the link program with our faculty. well, that's what I like about my faculty, because i have about 6 friends from my school that study here with me and all of them are my juniors here.

So when I arrived here, the first thing I do is to go to the faculty and check out the timetable to make sure that my schedules are all correct but i found out that there were some changes on the time of the class, and I found it less pack but more night classes. Huuu... That was something that I need to bear with this semester. Okay..Then i went touring the whole Shah Alam and Klang and visited all of the places that I missed so much especially the cinema.. well, I don't get to watch movies in Terengganu because they don't have cinema there. I watched lots of movies till now and think i've watched all of the latest ones. What a very up-to-date man I am.. Haha..

When the classes starts, it means that I have to be in the faculty most of the time and it's kind of awkward this time because I can see too many newbies around. I don't know all of them, and feel like don't even want to know them but I think I miss all the seniors who are used to hang around the faculty especially the TESL Square. However, I still like the faculty so much and realizing that I am the senior now,I have this feeling like I never expect to be in this place..the SENIOR place. Well, all classes are fine and fun and I always sit in the front rows right now so that I can understand better of what I am learning. I used to be the 'backbenchers' before and it all ended up not hearing things and lost of focus. So, I promised my mother to change and get something in this semester.

All of the faculty life are so nice and comforting, but there's another life that I have to bear with.. My life as a Commander in the Kesatria.. Well, this is another thing which I don't really look forward to and enjoy so much because to have my trainings and practices, I've to be at the main campus with all the senior commanders who are very rude, cruel and torturing monsters that I hate so much! They have no respects to anybody but they want us to respect them because of their seniority..I think I would let them know someday that their seniority or this Kesatria thing won't go anywhere someday and these bastards who are so fanatic about being the commanders should be taught some politeness in dealing with people. They are actually savages who like to use harsh words and cruelty and bully who don't know how to do their job properly. I was hospitalized last semester because of them and this time, I would give the least commitment to the Kesatria because I know that it doesn't support my education and only give me troubles.

Well,that's all for now..

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