High Fidelity

Last Thursday,Mr. J showed us this movie in the class and it was about love in a unique and controversial way. These are the 4 questions that we were asked to answer about the movie.

Question 1:
What is the movie about?
- It was a first person point-of-view movie about a young man named Rob Gordon who likes music and he owns a record store call Championship Vinyl. He's obsessed with the Top Five stuffs that he also called all his broken relationships as the Top Five Worst Breakups. For me,he is actually a guy who's trying to find love and to have a stable relationship with his girlfriend. His relationships with the four of the girls were all ended up with the girls having relationship with other guys and he once dumped a girl who loved him because the girl refused to have sex with him. However,in his last relationship with Laura, a lawyer, he tried to get her back into his life even though Laura could see that they might have a little chances to go on with their relationship. After all, Rob always make assumptions about her like to assume that she might sleep with Ray or Ian. Rob is also a quite vengeful man and always have stupid thoughts. Upon thinking that Laura might have slept with Ian, he tried to spark a relationship with Marie De Salle and tried to sleep with her. He also have bad thoughts about every girl that he had broken up but then realized that it turns out to be the other way round. Actually, he was quite immature in any relationship that he had because every time he saw the girls before, he always thought that this is the girl for me but he couldn't take care of them and he always have the ego that makes him become selfish and never thought of other peoples' feelings.

Question 2:
How it is different from the common fiction?
-It was not totally different from the common love story but this movie provides some twists inside the story line and it looks like a compilation of love stories that end up in sad endings except for the last one which is between Rob and Laura. The differences that we may found in this movie unlike other love stories are for example, we can see that Rob is commenting on his life and about what he feels and what he's going to do about it. He confessed a lot of things and we can feel his feeling which make us see how love is from the point of view of a guy. Rob is not a romantic person and not even someone who cares a lot about the girl that he's in love with. He is not quite a responsible person and a bit immature or childish. In the common love fictions, we can always see that the guy must be charming, rich or educated, and responsible and caring to the girl which implies the personality of a perfect man that a girl always wanted to be with. Common fictions also contains some drama which can make us feel like owh,the character is truly right in almost everything but there are oppositions and conflicts that they have to face in their life. In High Fidelity, there are no such dramas but there are few conflicts that are opposing the relationship like the third person or some misunderstandings that can lead to arguments and so on.

Question 3:
Who's your favorite character?Why?Discuss.
- I don't really think that I am fond of anybody in this movie but the character that i like or agree the most in this movie would be Dick. He is a bald,soft spoken and geeky young man who works with Rob and he likes music so much.Even though he is quite geeky but he is not a freak or weirdo and he is kind and good to everybody in this movie. He is a good character as he don't use harsh words and his taste in music also very good and classy as he also listens to orchestra when Barry came and change the music to something that sounds like crap to me. I think I am bias in giving my opinions in this movie because I really don't like such characters like Barry or even Rob himself.

Question 4:
Provide an alternate ending.
- The movie could end with one of Rob's exes return to him back, for example Charlie for she is quite friendly and brilliant person but she has he own opinion like not to have children for the time being which for me is not a suitable choice to make a wife from her. I prefer if Liz could suddenly fall in love with Rob as she was always responsible in helping Rob to clear up the situations between him and Laura. She is always in touch with Rob and if suddenly Rob realize that how good she has been to him and love is not always about sex, I think it would be another good ending and as for Laura,she can keep staying with Ian or Ray if she cannot accept Rob anymore.

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