My Favorite Fictional Character..

There are lots of fictional characters that come across my mind when I'm thinking about this topic, but I wasn't thinking about superheroes or cartoons for they are not that interesting to me. I'll find those characters as freaks or craps who think they can save the world with their extraordinary abilities which aren't real at all. I prefer something real and acceptable. I have two favorite characters in mind, the first one is Detective John McClane in Die Hard series and the second one would be Jason Bourne from the Bourne trilogy. 

However, I won't talk about John McClane here for he is also someone like too good to be true where we may find that he is too difficult to die and he always wins. So I turn to Jason Bourne which is more lively and acceptable to me. Jason Bourne is character acted by Matt Damon in the trilogy and this character was created by Robert Ludlum in his novels before it is adapted to movies. The first novel, The Bourne Identity is a spy action thriller novel and published in 1980. This novel was about an ex CIA assassin who became a retrograde amnesiac after he got a headwound and several other wounds. He survived only to find out who he really is because he found out that there are several groups, assassins and CIA looking for him to be terminated for he is actually carrying really big secrets about CIA covert operations as he himself was an assassin working for CIA. He also has lots of identities to cover up for his 'bad' operations as he owns lots of passports of different countries with different names and amazingly, he also knows many languages, I repeat, MANY languages which make this character interesting. The first movie of this trilogy with the same title was produced in 2002 and it was made exactly according to the novel and it is very interesting.

This is the first novel by Robert Ludlum and the movie made to introduce Jason Bourne.

The story follows with the second novel published in 1986 entitled The Bourne Supremacy where in this novel, Bourne discovered his true self and what he was in before with the help of his girlfriend, Marie. However, in the movie produced in 2004 with the same title, the story contains a little bit twist and not made according to the movie but it is still very interesting because the story line and plots were arranged perfectly as Jason was in the process of discovering himself which he came to lots of obstructions including the death of his girlfriend, named Marie Kreutz in this movie. 

The second novel and movie

The last of the trilogy is published in 1990 entitled The Bourne Ultimatum and in this novel, Jason discovered his true name as David Webb and he has to finish his fight with his old enemy, Carlos the Jackal who is a terrorist trained under the Russian well known terrorist pact, the KGB and he fights with help from the CIA itself and after the death of the terrorist, Jason or David return to his family (he still has a family in the novel). In the movie with the same title, produced in 2007, contains completely different plot from the original novel where Jason's fight is only against the CIA directors and operatives who are against him and wanting to terminate him for he is a very well trained CIA assassin who's becoming a backfire to the CIA and their efforts in taking him down are useless for he is ready for everything and thinking one step ahead of them. He knows all the tactics and agenda of the CIA to get to him but he's getting closer and closer to them each time they want to get rid of him. Finally, he reaches his final destination which is the first place he was taken in as an operative of the CIA, where he lost his old identity as David Webb and lost everything in his life. 

The third novel and movie

That is supposed to be the end of the Bourne's trilogy but for the novel, after the death of the original author, Robert Ludlum, another author, Eric Van Lustbader proceeded with another sequel for the trilogy consisting of three novels entitled, The Bourne Legacy, The Bourne Betrayal and The Bourne Sanction. However, the sequels are not taken into the silver screen or maybe they are not taken yet. That's some briefing that I can give about the story. The character of Jason Bourne is really interesting to me because he is a very skillful man and very good in survival. He is always ahead of everybody and his plans are perfect and even though there are some times when the troubles come but he still can evade successfully and in fact, he becomes the one who after the bad guys bad and take them down one by one. He is not a bad guy anyway as he only injures each of his victims except when the person aftering him is a well trained assassin like him. He fights for his survival with his knowledge and hidden identities and not like other typical spy stories, who comes with great gadgets and handsome look, Jason only use his intellectual mind and his fast moves to get over every obstacles and indeed, he moves very fast. I idolize him because of his great spirit and determination to achieve something which is amazingly high, he never gets demotivated or upset and he only take down his real enemies but leave other peoples who are interfering in his war unharmed. As for me, Jason Bourne is the greatest fictional character that I salute so much and as you can see, I named my blog as The Niviera Ultimatum, according to the Bourne's last movie, The Bourne Ultimatum and Niviera is my other identity, just like Jason Bourne.

 The first sequel written by Eric van Lustbader in June 2004

The second sequel published in June 2007

The latest novel of Bourne published in July 2008

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