Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Ramadhan Mubarak bienvenu..Je souhaite le jeûne heureux à chacun..
Peut Allah bénir tout le monde

Welcome Ramadhan al Mubarak.. I wish happy fasting to everybody.. May Allah bless us all..

In this Ramadhan, I discovered that this month can teach me to be very patience, patience to everything. I've faced quite a lot of things in this month and I am proud to be able to stand tough and being persistent or 'istiqamah' in whatever I do. Ramadhan this time is very unique because the Hijriah Calendar is parallel to the Christian Calendar, for example, 1st of Ramadhan is the same with 1st of September. It was actually nothing to be proud of but I was just amazed by the uniqueness. There's a lot of things going on in this month. I love and enjoy my night classes where I can spend time to 'berbuka' or break fast with my friends at the faculty, other than the classes, I spend my time cooking at home and sometimes trying new recipes of my own creation. Some are good and some are not bad. I only managed to go for Tarawih prayer once because of having lots of assignments to be done but I will find some time to go again in coming days, insyaAllah. I also discovered that the food at the bazaar are more expensive and it also not so good, some of them are bad which I don't know how these people could do this in this holy month. How I feel that they are not going to get Halal incomes for selling bad food. Last time I bought rice with chicken and the chicken was smelly and stinky like rotten meat. I also got diarrheas, maybe because of the food I ate but I don't really know, just have to be patient with everything. 

As for my studies, I am really thankful to Allah for all of them are okay, I managed to do my quizzes well, no cheating involved, and all of my assignments are well done, I think and I attend all classes with big heart. I love Ramadhan because it gives me peacefulness and some sort of pleasure and doing 'ibadah' including the 'ibadah sunat' in this month is really rewarding as Allah promises as doing one 'ibadah' in this month is considered like doing 'ibadah' in thousand months. Although I know that I'm not that pious but as long as I do all the compulsories, I know I'll be fine. Before this, I always get sick, I got fever, cold, backache, and I even passed out once, but in this month, Alhamdulillah, everything is fine, just a few minor tummy ache which I got from bad foods as I told earlier. I wish to slim my body down a little bit because my doctor told me that I am facing a slight overweight but it's not a big problem at all. My resolutions for this month are to donate more to unfortunate people, spend more time at the mosque doing 'solat jemaah', and zikr a lot for if we always remember Allah in everything we do, Allah will remember us too. InsyaAllah.. 

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